9 Mart 2018 Cuma


In Islam, Allah (God) is one, and one and only. He has no beginning and no End and has no partners, sons or daughters. Islam teaches that Allah was always there, somewhere in a timeless dimension. Islam teaches that Allah is the creator of everything in the heavens and the earth, everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to him and he is all powerful

 Allah is the God of everyone (Quran 1:2, 73:9, 23:51). Allah is alone and by himself, above the seven heavens none of his creation has ever seen him. The only person who came close to seeing Allah was Prophet Muhammad during his ascensions to the heavens. There is only One God, Allah, and he has no Son, Daughters, Wife, or partners (Quran   72:3, 112:1-4) and knows all in the heavens and the earth (Quran 58:7) and the secerts in peoples hearts (Quran   3:154).Allah is the first, the last, (Quran    57:3) the creator of the heavens and the earth (Quran   35:1) and the master of the day of judgement (Quran   1:4). He is also responsible for breathing some what of his spirt into every person and fashioning him in the womb (Quran15:29, 22:5, 32:9) and takes care of everyone of his creatures whether believing men/women or animal (Quran29:60) and is merifcul and forgiving (Quran15:49, 11:90 and 85:14) and tests human beings during their time on earth (Quran   21:35).

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